Nieuwe Instituut
Nieuwe Instituut

Sonneveld House



Nieuwe Instituut's Research department explores collective forms of knowledge creation through its projects, activities, fellowships and other initiatives.

The Research collective works on post-disciplinary and multilingual knowledge practices that move beyond the traditional divide between theory-based academic research and practical, embodied forms of knowing. The collective's practices take research as a collaborative, public activity, aimed at creating a society that sustains all life. From this perspective, our exhibitions, public programmes, publications, and knowledge exchange activities are occasions for public investigation and experimentation.

In the context of the Nieuwe Instituut, the research collective asks: Can research be a 'testing ground’ for regenerative, anti-colonial, feminist, racially and ethnically inclusive, more-than-human, and intersectional spaces for collective world-building? The aim our of research projects is to produce knowledge that brings theory into practice in various contexts, through tool sheds, tool kits, and research labs.

Read more about the projects initiated by or in collaboration with the Research team here.


Periodically, the Research department offers internship opportunities for students enrolled in higher education or a university programme. At the moment there are no open vacancies, but we welcome open applications with a clear expression of interest or related to specific ongoing projects within the team. Please direct your inquiry to Manuela Zammit (Coordinator Research),

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New Currents: Indian Ocean Futures

New Currents: Indian Ocean Futures is a research project that explores how evolving national ties and the exchange of ideas and material cultures shape the future of the Indian Ocean region.

Read more about New Currents: Indian Ocean Futures

Through Sounds

Through Sounds is a long-term research project that looks at 'sonic culture' as a field for spatial and social design.

Read more about Through Sounds


Zoöp is the title of an organisational model for cooperation between human and nonhuman life that safeguards the interests of all zoë (Greek for 'life'). The zoöp model makes the interests of nonhuman life part of organisational decision making.

Read more about Zoöp

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