Regenerative Practices
Regenerative Practices are practices that aim to directly or indirectly increase the life-sustaining capacity of the planet, for human and more-than-human life, on scales from the micro-habitat to the ecosystem, the bioregion and the biosphere at large.
They include situated, place-based projects focused on testing and learning regenerative practices, like the ongoing work on Zoöp Nieuwe Instituut, and the development of a model and practice of regenerative retail to be embodied in the New Store, our new museum store. On the urban scale, we engage with topics like urban commons and (alternative) financial architectures. We look into the tactics and strategies of degrowth, and the fostering of a regenerative economy. We investigate the shifts in worldviews and cosmologies that would be necessary to inform different economic and technological practices, and undertake creative investigation into design languages that help to foster an ecological, relational mindset in design work, to replace the outdated and degenerative modernist logic.