New Store
Imagine a shop where being a customer helps, rather than harms, the environment. Nieuwe Instituut presents the New Store to rethink the concept of the ‘product’ and explore alternative forms of exchange. After two New Store pop-up stores, one at Dutch Design Week 2023 and the other at Milan Design Week 2024, a third New Store pop-up opens in the foyer of the Nieuwe Instituut in December 2024.
New Store pop-up 3.0
While pop-up 1.0 focused on different forms of exchange and pop-up 2.0 explored possibilities for a new value web, you can now step into the New Store pop-up 3.0 in the foyer of the Nieuwe Instituut. Browse the shelves for a wide range of products for the holiday season as well as all year round. Every product is the result of partnerships with local producers.
New Store’s ultimate goal is to be fully and thoroughly regenerative. Although we’re not there yet, these New Store pop-ups act as a testing ground that bring designers’ ideas and proposals into the real world. Together with external partners, the third pop-up delves into what it means to design, practice and purchase in a fully regenerative way.
New Store pop-up 3.0 features SeaWood Materials by BlueBlocks, Reef by Urban Reef, Eggshell Ceramic by Atelier LVDW, Loop Earthrise™ by Loop Biotech, Woolfiller by Heleen Klopper, Mother Reef by Oyster Heaven, and the Duckweed Tile by Flip the City. This new pop-up remains at the Nieuwe Instituut for at least a year, after which it will gradually develop into a more permanent store. Throughout the year, additional products and research will be added to the product selection.
As our visitor and potential customer, we could use your help to develop the concept of regenerative retail. In addition to shopping at the pop-up store, you can participate by taking part in a workshop, interview or activity. What we learn during this process, will help us to inform the further development of the New Store. More information on how you can contribute will follow soon.
Previous New Store pop-ups
About the New Store
With its New Store project, Nieuwe Instituut is collaborating with the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (IABR) and research consultancy The Seeking State to explore how retail can make a positive contribution to environmental and social processes in the long term. The ‘non-extractive’ way of working, which avoids extraction, exploitation and depletion, is the first step in a longer journey towards regenerative retail. The path to regeneration runs from the current status quo of exploitation, through restoration and conservation, and ultimately to improvement.
The aim of the New Store is to work towards this improvement by testing and implementing new practices, projects and exchanges. What will this look like? Nieuwe Instituut calls on designers and creatives to think along in designing products, stores and exchanges in a different way.
The development of the New Store project is the result of collaboration with the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (IABR), The Seeking State, New Order of Fashion, Residency for the People, Temporiuso, Ferrari Fashion School, BlueCity, Central Saint Martins of the University of Arts London, as well as individual researchers and designers. The project is in part supported by the City of Rotterdam.
This project was made possible thanks to: