Nieuwe Instituut
Nieuwe Instituut

Sonneveld House

Disclosing Architecture

31 December 2018 - 30 December 2024


Research and reflection

Our research projects form the basis for the sub-projects and selection methods that form part of Disclosing Architecture, while also contributing to rethinking the role of heritage at the Nieuwe Instituut.

Collecting Otherwise

With the Collecting Otherwise research project, we look at the National Collection and the practice of collecting and archiving from the perspective of current social changes. In 2021, we explored intersectional feminist and queer spatial practices, and in 2022, the relationship between the architecture collection and colonial history took centre stage. This year we focus on the ‘tool shed’, the potential aids that can help us to imagine, build and collect differently.

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Invented from copies

Invented from Copies is a research project that focuses on a specific material aspect of the archive: architectural reproductions. How do the various reproduction techniques relate to the design process and to design culture? We have researched the blueprint, the whiteprint and the use of self-adhesive foils.

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Disclosing Futures, Rethinking Heritage

Heritage innovates. It does this partly through technological progress, but mainly by questioning current practice. At this conference, we discussed the reorientation of the role of heritage, and innovation as a condition for sustainable collection management.

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Atelier Nelly and Theo van Doesburg

The Atelier Nelly and Theo van Doesburg exhibition is a plea to look for multivocality when opening up archives, by making connections between collections and involving the public in interpreting the stories that result.

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