Nieuwe Instituut
Nieuwe Instituut

Sonneveld House

Zoöp Nieuwe Instituut


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The lectures, events, interviews and other material for reading, viewing and listening that are collected below are part of a continuous gathering of knowledge, tools and methods supporting Zoöps and aspiring Zoöps.

Zoönomic Curriculum

Session 1 Demarcation

Workshop In the first session of the Zoönomic Curriculum we will address the first step of the Zoönomic Method. Demarcating is the act of articulating the combined legal, ecological and spatial boundaries of a zoöp and its main constituent bodies.


Session 2 Observing & Sensing

Workshop In the second session of the Zoönomic Curriculum, Observing & Sensing, we will observe the different human and more-than-human entities that together make up the zoöp. The goal is to become aware of their different life-worlds and their relationships.


Session 3 Characterising

workshop The third session of the Zoönomic Curriculum, Characterising, involves interpreting and diagnosing the interplay between ecological, political, economic, aesthetic and other relations between the constituent bodies of the Zoöp.


Session 4 Intervening

Workshop The fourth and final session Zoönomic Curriculum is centred around the practice of Intervening, the final step of the Zoönomic Method. Different interventions first support a process of local ecological regeneration, and in the longer term, changes in the larger operational sphere of the organisation.


Klaas Kuitenbrouwer on Demarcation

Lecture As part of the Zoönomic Curriculum, a program on the Zoönomic Year Cycle held in the months of May and June in 2021, Klaas Kuitenbrouwer (NL, researcher at Het Nieuwe Instituut, initiator of the Zoöp project) shares his insights on the Zoöp model and the first step in the Zoönomic Year Cycle, Demarcating.


Eva Meijer on Observing & Sensing

Lecture As part of the Zoönomic Curriculum, a program on the Zoönomic Year Cycle held in the months of May and June in 2021, Eva Meijer (NL, artist, writer, philosopher and singer-songwriter) highlights the importance of listening to animal voices, introducing ways to help us bridge the divide between the human and non-human world. This lecture serves as an introduction to the 2nd step in the Zoönomic Year Cycle, Observing & sensing.


Arjen Mulder on Characterising

Lecture As part of the Zoönomic Curriculum, a program on the Zoönomic Year Cycle held in the months of May and June in 2021, Arjen Mulder (NL, biologist and publicist) shows us the world through the eyes of the plant. Mulder puts himself in the plant's place, and by doing so creates more understanding and appreciation not only for its architectural construction, but also for the need for an interaction between humans and plants. This lecture serves as an introduction to the 3rd step in the Zoönomic Year Cycle, Characterising.


Jacco van Uden on Intervening

Lecture As part of the Zoönomic Curriculum, a program on the Zoönomic Year Cycle held in the months of May and June in 2021, Jacco van Uden (NL, Lector Change Management & Organisational advisor) explores different ways of Intervening within the organisational sphere. This lecture serves as an introduction to the 4th step in the Zoönomic Year Cycle, Intervening.


Rights of Nature

Daphina Misiedjan & Shrishtee Bajpai

Interview On 23 September Zoöp presented Rights of Nature: Compendium and Zoöp, a program that explored the relationship between different indigenous worldviews and their tactics for implementing legal status for non-human life. For this occasion Daphina Misiedjan (Assistant Professor at International Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam) conducted an interview with Shrishtee Bajpai (BD, Rights of Nature activist and researcher).


Daphina Misiedjan & Justin Sobion

Interview On 23 September Zoöp presented Rights of Nature: Compendium and Zoöp, a program that explored the relationship between different indigenous worldviews and their tactics for implementing legal status for non-human life. For this occasion Daphina Misiedjan (Assistant Professor at International Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam) conducted an interview with Justin Sobion (NZ, PhD candidate Environmental Law, Auckland University).


Daphina Misiedjan & Klaas Kuitenbrouwer

Interview On 23 September Zoöp presented Rights of Nature: Compendium and Zoöp, a program that explored the relationship between different indigenous worldviews and their tactics for implementing legal status for non-human life. For this occasion Daphina Misiedjan (Assistant Professor at International Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam) conducted an interview with Klaas Kuitenbrouwer (researcher at Het Nieuwe Instituut, initiator of the Zoöp project), on behalf of Rights of Nature cases.


Rights of Nature: Compendium and Zoöp

Book Launch The Embassy of the North Sea has commissioned climate-law experts Laura Burgers and Jessica den Outer to realise the first edition of the compendium Rights of Nature.
On the occasion of its launch, Daphina Misiedjan (NL), Jessica den Outer (NL), Laura Burgers (NL), Klaas Kuitenbrouwer (NL), Shrishtee Bajpai (BD) and Justin Sobion (NZ) discuss the relationship between different indigenous worldviews and their tactics for implementing legal status for non-human life. The discussion is moderated by Harpo 't Hart (NL).


Founding Zoöps

Public launch The public launch of the Zoöp Manifesto and the Zoöp legal documentation needed to officially establish a Zoöp.


Rights of Nature

Publication The Embassy of the North Sea commissioned Laura Burgers and Jessica den Outer to author this Compendium, which focuses on one or two case-studies per continent. Each case-study offers a sketch of the different ways in which the rights of nature have been recognized, with the authors detailing the context and world view underpinning those rights, as well as their current implementation and enforcement.
Through the button below you can find three chapters of the Compendium: foreword, introduction and Europe. More information about the publication and how to buy it can also be found here.


How to do a Zoöp

Zoöp Manifesto

Manifesto The Zoöp Manifesto is a public declaration by and for Zoöps that encompasses our intention and motives to work together towards ecological regeneration.


How to do a Zoöp

Thursday Night Live In the run-up to the planned foundation of the first Zoöp, representatives of four Proto-Zoöps discuss the potential of becoming a Zoöp, and the issues this involves. Speakers Roberta Jurcic, Anne van Leeuwen, Jane da Mosto, Matthijs ten Berge and Klaas Kuitenbrouwer address various aspects of the Zoöp model and discuss the ecological, political and economic dimensions in which Zoöps operate.



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