Nieuwe Instituut
Nieuwe Instituut

Sonneveld House

Temporary Fashion Museum


Monique van Heist

Model Emile, wears no. 48: trench coat Image made for exhibition ‘vanheistinheerlen’ Photo: Daan Brand.

Monique van Heist's label focuses on a classical, unisex wardrobe to which she adds intelligent details and clear references. In 2008 Monique van Heist launched the project HELLOFASHION, with which she gave shape to her metavision of fashion, an idea that won her a Mercedes Benz Dutch Fashion Award in 2008.

HELLO FASHION is an on-going collection of 'moniquevanheist classics' with which she challenges fashion's value system. This permanent and ever-growing collection consists of garments and accessories, as well as lifestyle products such as furniture, make-up advice and even recipes. The normal cycle of the system is thus interrupted by new products being added to the collection at a moment of the designer's choosing. A seasonal variant is presented every six months in 'new' colours and materials. HELLOFASHION's products are numbered and have a name. With this project van Heist directly challenges the impermanence of fashion. HELLOFASHION will run for ten years, ending with the publication of a book.

Alongside her own label, van Heist has made a number of exhibitions about her work over the last few years and has curated several other exhibitions. Monique van Heist has also taught design at a number of art schools.

Founded: 2008

Location: Rotterdam


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