Nieuwe Instituut
Nieuwe Instituut

Sonneveld House

Open Space 2023

8 February 2023 - 28 April 2023


Sander Blomsma

In search of more-than-human communication, designer Sander Blomsma takes us into the world of electromagnetic waves. He wonders how humans, non-human life and inanimate matter experience ‘reality’, and what kind of contact and exchange we might imagine between them all, beyond science and philosophy. Blomsma uses radio, because everything – whether alive or inanimate – reacts and vibrates to these waves. In Radio Umwelt: How to Be(come) an Intra-Species Radio, he translates material and immaterial reality into perceptible sound using special antennas and audio equipment. Can we humans improve the way we relate to other species by literally becoming receivers?

Spons-antenne. Photo: Sander Blomsma.


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