Nieuwe Instituut
Nieuwe Instituut

Sonneveld House

New Store


Reef by Urban Reef

These unique 3D-printed garden sculptures add an artful look to the neighbourhood, while also nurturing new life.

The reefs, designed by Pierre Oskam and Max Latour of Urban Reef, are developed using algorithms that resemble morphological structures of the natural world. When placing it in your garden, micro-organisms can find a home in the sculpture, which then attract algae, mosses, and fungi, offering nourishment for other beings. Insects, snails, and other organisms will also find shelter in the reef.

Price: €1500

A 3D-printed garden sculpture by Urban Reef. Photo: Tarona.

The reef is porous, which means it absorbs and releases moisture. Because the sculpture mimics natural structures, the various ecological conditions it creates, should help fostering all kinds of other-than-human life. In addition to the sculptures on display here, Urban Reef is currently developing a range of new, bio-inclusive designs to broaden their regenerative ambitions.

The 3D-printed garden sculpture up close. Photo: Tarona.

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