Tijdelijk Modemuseum
31 augustus 2015 - 30 mei 2016
Essays Sophie Berrebi
Kunsthistoricus en auteur Sophie Berrebi onderzocht vier tijdloze mode-iconen en schreef bij ieder object een essay waarin zij de achtergrond van onze blijvende fascinatie voor deze iconen analyseert.
The White Shirt
Fashion's desire to go 'back to basics' periodically returns in times of crisis. Is it a surprise then that the white shirt, "the ultimate wardrobe staple" as magazine Elle called it in 2014, is currently enjoying a comeback, one of many?
The Pump
A gender-orientated development in the use of elevated shoes took place in the fifteenth century: chopines, a new kind of platform shoe worn by noblewomen, arrived in Europe via the Byzantine Empire and Spain. This footwear, in the beginning of its appearance still used as practical overshoes, changed over time into a luxurious product.
Red Lipstick
In the age of smoky eyes and fake eyelashes, red lipstick might seem an out-dated choice.
Dressing in Black
Black reduces the body to a silhouette, it is casual and smart and it lets the face speak. Above all it its impossible to place socially: is this daywear or evening wear, and is this the image of a realist singer, a Hollywood actress, a grande bourgeoise, or an artist?