Nieuwe Instituut
Nieuwe Instituut

Sonneveld House

Who is We?

21 May 2021 - 20 November 2021


Cahier 1: Values for Survival

Cahier 1 brings together a wide diversity of voices on a number of urgent social, urban and ecological issues. Reflections from the worlds of policy, research and design contextualise the main question of the 17th International Architecture Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia: How will we live together? - as well as the counter-question posed by the Dutch pavilion: Who is_ we?_

The situation in which the world now finds itself is cause for renewed attention to the question of how our way of life affects the well-being of the earth and all life on it. On an urban scale, this concern manifests itself in pleas for circularity, reciprocity, plurality and interdisciplinarity, among other things.

The authors contributing to Cahier 1 were expected to speak at two conferences launching the Values for Survival programme and, with this cahier, their contributions will find a new audience. In addition to an explanatory introduction, the cahier is divided into five thematic sections offering different perspectives on our values for survival: Polyphonic Cities, Multispecies Urbanism, The Multiplicity of Other, Sharing Research and Circular City.

The cahier is edited by Caroline Nevejan and Huda Abi Fares, with contributions by Dagmar Klein, Dirk van den Heuvel, Annelys de Vet, Farid Tabarki, Klaas Kuitenbrouwer, Debra Solomon, Annemarie van Wezel, Studio Wild, Arjan van Timmeren, Maria Kaika, Bureau LADA, Afaina de Jong, Azza Karam, Lieke van Houtum, Vincent Busch, Karen den Hertog, Failed Architecture, Halleh Ghorashi, Paul Wouters, Ino Paap, Elisabeth IJmker, Thijs van Schijndel, Ida Freitas, Carrie Leermakers, Elisabeth IJmker, Pinar Sefkatli, Veronica Baas, Peter van Assche, Eveline Jonkhoff, Kate Raworth and Juan Carlos Goilo.

Cahier 1 is also available at, the new online platform for knowledge sharing managed by the Chief Science Office of the City of Amsterdam. In addition, a print-on-demand version is available at NAi Booksellers.


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