Nieuwe Instituut
Nieuwe Instituut

Sonneveld House

Temporary Fashion Museum


Collected By Ferry van der Nat

Collected by .. Photo Johannes Schwartz

Photo JW Kaldenbach

Collected by .. Photo Johannes Schwartz

Collected by ... Ferry van der Nat. Photo Petra van der Ree

Ferry van der Nat

The second archive is a collection of vintage clothing curated by Ferry van der Nat. Van der Nat has worked in fashion for many years as a stylist and photographer, but also as a collector and trader of exquisite objects. Together with his mother, he ran the vintage shop Kabinet, where Dutch designers played a central role. At Het Nieuwe Instituut, Holthaus, Molenaar, Vos, Fong Leng and Govers take their place once again within the extensive collection on show in the main exhibition space on the ground floor. Van der Nat will himself be present at certain times in the archive to offer visitors the opportunity to see the pieces up close, try them on, and perhaps even buy them. For Van der Nat, fashion archives are equal to the contemporary and even to the future. His vintage collection is timeless, available to all, and open to constant reinterpretation.


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