Nieuwe Instituut
Nieuwe Instituut

Sonneveld House

Designing the Social

3 July 2021 - 1 June 2024



17 February 2022

Archiving the Social

The Network of Archives for Design and Digital Culture (NADD) takes Amsterdam's pioneering De Digitale Stad (The Digital City) project, revisited in the exhibition Designing the Social, as a departure point for discussing the relevance of preserving digital culture. The evening will focus on questions surrounding the social dimensions of archiving in the field. Marleen Stikker (founder of Waag and De Digitale Stad) will tell something about the principles and ideals of De Digitale Stad, Tjarda de Haan (researcher and archivist) talks about excavating and unlocking De Digitale Stad, Kees Teszelszky (conservator Digital Collections) presents examples from the XS4ALL homepage collection of the National Library of The Netherlands, and Florian van Zandwijk will take the audience on a live guided tour through online platforms, old and new. The evening will be moderated by Katía Truijen.


This project was made possible thanks to:

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Zabawas logo
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