International Visitors Programme
Dates of visit
24-30 January 2016
Purpose of visit
Vicente Giffoni, an architect and the president of the Associação Brasileira dos Escritórios de Arquitetura in Rio de Janeiro (ASBEA/RJ), will visit the Netherlands in preparation for an April-May trip by some of the organisation's members. In order to get to know the field of Dutch architecture, he'll tour Rotterdam's architectural highlights and visit the offices of the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam and of urban development projects in Amsterdam, such as De Ceuvel and city lab Buiksloterham. He'll also visit architectural firms including OMA, ZUS, KCAP en de Architekten Cie. Along with preparing for the members' visit, Giffoni has expressed an interest in meeting potential Dutch partners on behalf of his own practice for projects under development in regions such as South America.
His visit was jointly organised with the Netherlands consulate in Rio de Janeiro.
Vicente Giffoni founded VG Vicente Giffoni Arquitetura e Planejamento Ltda in 1986. Headquartered in Rio de Janeiro, the firm handles architectural, urban planning, interior design and consultancy projects in Brazil as well as in countries such as the US, Bahrain and Switzerland. Giffoni has won various awards for his work and written for magazines and newspapers in Brazil and abroad, and he gives talks and workshops around the world. He has been president of the ASBEA/RJ since 2012.