International Visitors Programme
South Africa
Date of visit
28 September - 1 October 2016
Goal of visit
Part of the reason for her visit to Rotterdam is giving a lecture and workshop at the KABK in Den Haag. Besides, she will visit WORM in Rotterdam and gives a lecture _Decolonising Design _during the Thursday Night in Het Nieuwe Instituut. During this Thursday Night the dominant position of Western design culture will be questioned.
Tabita Rezaire is a French born Guyanese/Danish new media artist, intersectional preacher, health practitioner, tech-politics researcher and Kemetic/Kundalini Yoga teacher based in Johannesburg, South Africa. As she embraces aesthetics of resistance, her digital healing activism provides alternative readings aiming at decentering occidental authority. Her decolonial trinity preaches for health, technology and spirituality to dismantle our oppressive white-supremacist-patriarchal-cis-hetero-globalized world screen.