Nieuwe Instituut
Nieuwe Instituut

Sonneveld House

International Visitors Programme


International New Materials Network / Oct 2016

New Materials & Design network: Christine Vroom (Het Nieuwe Instituut), Carole Collet (Central Saint Martins University of the Arts), Elodie Ternaux (MatériO Paris), Lucie Havlová (Happy Materials), Valerie Bergeron (Materfad), Tomas Hendrych…


Spain, France, United Kingdom, Czech Republic

Date of visit

21 - 23 October 2016

Purpose of visit

A couple of partners of the International New Materials Network will visit within the framework of the New Material Award - award ceremony and exhibition during Dutch Design Week. Purpose of the visit is the introduce the network with the nominees of the New Material Award and gain knowledgde of the Dutch design world in large.


Valérie Bergeron is in charge of the Materials Library of Materfad (Barcelona).

Carole Collet has pioneered the discipline of Textile Futures at Central Saint Martins University of the Arts (London), where she is now a full time Professor of Design for Sustainable Futures and Director of the Design & Living Systems Lab. United Kingdom.

Lucie Havlová is the supervisor of the Materials Library in Prague. She is the co-founder of Happy Materials (Prague)

Tomáš Hendrych is the co-founder of Happy Materials. He is a curator and producer of several successful traveling exhibitions in the Czech Republic and abroad.

Elodie Ternaux is an engineer and industrial designer. She is the co-manager of matériO (Paris)


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