Nieuwe Instituut
Nieuwe Instituut

Sonneveld House

International Visitors Programme


Felicity D. Scott (USA) / April 2016

Felicity D. Scott with Adrian Lahoud (Dean of School of Architecture at the Royal College of Art in London)


United States

Dates of visit

13 - 17 April 2016

Purpose visit

Drawing on her recent book Outlaw Territories, Felicity D. Scott will address during the Thursday Night the growing unrest about human existence on earth in the United States in the seventies. the next day she will visit a debate With the Masses - Architecture and Participation by students of the Berlage Institute and international architecture professionals. Besides, her visit will be in the framework of gaining knowledgde on Dutch architecture and urban development, including a visit to OMA/AMO, Volume and Metahaven.


Felicity D. Scott is associate professor of architecture and director of the PhD program in Architecture (History and Theory) at Columbia University. She is one of the founders of Grey Room, a journal on architecture, art, media and politics. Her books include Outlaw Territories (2016), Living Archive 7: Ant Farm (2008) and Architecture or Techno-Utopia: Politics After Modernism (2007).


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