Nieuwe Instituut
Nieuwe Instituut

Sonneveld House

International Visitors Programme


Dutch Design Week 2023

In collaboration with the Dutch Design Foundation (DDF) and Dutch embassies, an international visitor programme was organised during Dutch Design Week from 20 to 22 October in Eindhoven, followed by a satellite programme in Rotterdam. Designers, curators, writers and entrepreneurs were invited to immerse themselves in the design event by visiting a variety of venues such as the Klokgebouw, Microlab, Ketelhuisplein, the Van Abbemuseum and more as part of a guided programme.

Dutch Design Week, 2023. Photo: Max Kneefel

The international visitors were Eylul Senses (TR), Fredrik Hellberg (SE/ES), Lara Lesmes (ES), Leonard Muyambo (ZW), Jimmy Cintero, (FR) Mai Salama (EG) and Samta Nadeem (IN/UK). The group had the opportunity to get to know up-and-coming designers by visiting exhibitions such as Manifestations, a group exhibition of graduation projects from Dutch and international academies at the Klokgebouw, the Design Academy Graduation Show 2023 at Heuvel and The Rest is Still Unwritten by Stimuleringfonds presents Talent at De Portiersloge.

With introductions from the Dutch Design Foundation's programming team and detailed venue-based information from design guide Chrys Leung, the group also visited inspiring initiatives such as Organic Social Capital hosted by Cyan D'Anjou, Kuangyi Xing’s interactive data map Weave, Anielda Fidler Wieruszewska’s Diamond Makers Lab and Queenie Man and Milky Choi’s Sensory Restaurant on Wheels at Dutch Design Week. The programme was instrumental in forging new connections and facilitating the exchange of knowledge.


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