Nieuwe Instituut
Nieuwe Instituut

Sonneveld House

International Visitors Programme


Claudia Kromrei (DE)

OMI invited architect, writer and researcher Claudia Kromrei as part of the Nieuwe Instituut’s International Visitors Programme. She is an expert in the field of post-1965 architecture in Berlin, and publishes and teaches about this. Her original perspective on this postmodern architecture in Germany and its significance for the contemporary urban environment and urban development was the reason for inviting her for a knowledge exchange in the form of a lecture, workshop, guided tour and expert meeting.

Claudia Kromrei during her visit to Rotterdam. Image courtesy of OMI.

Kromrei was invited as part of the OMI manifestation Rotterdam Cultuurstad | Post-65 Files Part II. Her visit consisted of a short and intensive programme in which she worked with many partners, including the City of Rotterdam, the Nieuwe Instituut, the Independent School for the City, Rotterdam Library and experts such as architects, cultural historians, students and policy makers.

Claudia Kromrei gave a lecture at the Independent School for the City on progressive housing, from the International Building Exhibition (IBA Berlin) to Brutalist buildings for companies and research institutes. The never-ending story of the Schouwburgplein in Rotterdam was the focus of the After-Summer School of the Nieuwe Instituut. OMI asked three recent graduates to take a fresh look at this modern city square. During an excursion and later a workshop, the past, present and possible future of the square were explored together with Claudia Kromrei and architect Arianne Fleege, who connects the public space of the Pathé cinema with the square as a new public space.

Kromrei also visited the IABR 2024: Nature of Hope exhibition and, accompanied by collection manager Emily Wijns, the exhibition Built Homecoming: The House of Aldo and Hannie van Eyck at the Nieuwe Instituut. In addition, an expert dinner was organised with architectural historian Wijnand Galema (Post’65 platform), researcher Lidwine Spoormans (TU Delft) and architect Marcel Musch (director RAvB) to discuss the place of research on post-1965 architecture in education and the possibilities for international knowledge exchange.

Claudia Kromrei is Professor of Architectural Theory and History at the Hochschule Bremen and also teaches at the FH St. Gallen in Switzerland.


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