Nieuwe Instituut
Nieuwe Instituut

Sonneveld House

International Visitors Programme


Carson Chan (US)

Carson Chan, the Director of the Emilio Ambasz Institute for the Joint Study of the Built and Natural Environment at The Museum of Modern Art in New York, was in the Netherlands for a professional visit and as jury of the Prix de Rome Architecture Prize 2022. His visit took place between March 30 and April 4 2022 and included visits to several studios, architecture firms and sites that allowed him to broaden his research and interest in sustainable and circular economy architecture.

With an intensive multi-day program curated for him, Chan was able to expand his professional network in the Netherlands by meeting with Robert Winkel (Founder, Mei Architects), Peter van Assche (Principal Architect, Bureau SLA) Emma van der Leest (Founder, BlueCity), Hedwig Heinsman (Co-founder, Aectual), Raoul Vleugels (Director, Werkstatt Nu) and others. Additionally, he was able to get a close look at the innovative, socially and ecologically floating neighbourhood Schoonschip in the Johan van Hasseltkanaal, situated in the North of Amsterdam with one of the co-founders of Space & Matter, Tjeerd Haccou. The visitors’ program concluded with a visit to the Hembrug A7 project by CC Studio, accompanied by Danny van Kassel.

This visit was jointly made possible by the International Visitors’ Program at the Nieuwe Instituut and the Creative Industries Funds NL.


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