An Evening with DIG IT UP, Süheyla Yalçın and Cijntje
1 September 2022 17:00 - 23:45
- 5-8pm
Hear Her (Pop-Up Installation) Opening (Free)
Join us for the kick-off of Feminist Assembly Month at Het Nieuwe Instituut, featuring the opening of the pop-up installation Hear Her from gallery and heritage lab DIG IT UP. This installation presents parts of the research project Gerse Vrouwen, which uncovers local feminist heritage. Director Simone da Silva (DIG IT UP), co-curator Anouk van Mil and independent historian and Geschiedenislab founder Marjan Beijering introduce Hear Her.
- 5-7pm
Thursday Bite
(€ 10)
Every Thursday, from 5pm, you can enjoy a tasty Thursday Bite for €10 at Het Nieuwe Café. The Thursday Bite consists of a light vegetarian or vegan meal from the kitchen of chef Manuela Gonçalves Tavares, plus a soft drink. You can order your bite at the bar on the evening itself.
- 6-7.30pm
Feminist Dinner
(€ 15)
Join the intergenerational opening dinner for Feminist Assembly Month, meet the speakers for the evening and the other guests. Share your stories and experiences while you enjoy a delicious meal. Save your spot at the dinner table via the Tickets link.
- 7-8pm
Thursday Night Detour
Detour (Free, max 12 participants)
Every Thursday night a Detour Guide takes you on a free Detour through one of the exhibitions on display at Het Nieuwe Instituut. Discover design, digital culture and architecture from the perspective of your guide. Every Detour is different: you might end up working on a joint choreography or designing a space for insects.
- 7.30-9.30pm
NederTürk, Feministiese Filmgroep Storing & The Watermelon Woman
Film & Discussion (€ 7,50 / € 3,75)
How to tell your story when in the archives you find only gaps and distortions? In this programme, part of Feminist Assembly Month, we delve deeper into crossmedia archives together with Süheyla Yalçın (NederTürk), Mieke de Wit (Feministiese Filmgroep Storing) and moderators Tabea Nixdorff and Setareh Noorani (Feminist Design Strategies). Plus a screening of The Watermelon Woman (1996, English with English subtitles), a milestone of New Queer Cinema in which autobiography and fiction meet.
Update: unfortunately Süheyla Yalçın will not be able to attend this evening.
- 9pm-12am
A Night at the Museum
Music & Dance (Free)
As the closing act of this evening, DJs Cijntje and Donn Stone turn Het Nieuwe Café into a dance club filled with African vibes, with special performances from percussionist Ceciel Moyano and singer Niiah Music. Plus cocktails and bites.
Create your own personal programme by booking tickets for your chosen programme components.
Thursday Night Live!
Thursday Night Live! is a weekly evening devoted to burning questions in architecture, design and digital culture, featuring leading speakers from home and abroad. Het Nieuwe Café serves a meal, there's music from DJs or live perfomers, the museum is open for free and our Detour Guides (aka tour guides) show you around the exhibitions. Meet people, be inspired and join the discussion!
Become a Member
Become a Member of Het Nieuwe Instituut and get free access to exhibitions and members-only events. Find out fresh ways of looking at the world, make new connections and discover novel perspectives on the intersections of design, architecture and digital culture.