Nieuwe Instituut
Nieuwe Instituut

Sonneveld House

Future Makers!

14 December 2024 - 26 December 2026

Future Makers! Photo Aad Hoogendoorn.

Calling all children: come and create the future at the Nieuwe Instituut! There’s a brand-new exhibition about the future just for you, with lots of things to do and make.

In Future Makers! you’ll go on a real adventure, with an out-of-this-world creature at your side. Help design a never-ending flag, make a magical menu and become a climate hero of tomorrow. What are your biggest hopes for the future? What would you most like to change? Speak up and make your own dream world.

For children aged 6 and over.

Future Makers! Photo Aad Hoogendoorn.

The co-curators of Future Makers! Photo Aad Hoogendoorn.

Future Makers! was co-curated by Alpha (10), Aurélie (9), Jing Jing (9), Lua (12), Malikai (11), Mio (9), Nori (8), Ocean (8) and Uma (10). They came up with ideas for the themes, design, content and promotion of the exhibition. What would children like to change about the world today? What could we do better? In the exhibition, children get to work on shaping the future – not by showing not what they want to become, but by showing what they already are: the designers of the future!

The exhibition is developed in collaboration with the Children's Team, design agency Opperclaes, design collective STORE Rotterdam, five primary schools from Rotterdam and more.

This project was made possible thanks to:

Gemeente Rotterdam
Vriendenloterij Fonds
ELJA Foundation
Van Leeuwen Van Lignac Stichting
Circle Nieuwe Instituut
Royal Talens Foundation


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