Nieuwe Instituut
Nieuwe Instituut

Sonneveld House

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Nieuwe Café

Nieuwe Café is run by chef Manuela Goncalves Tavares and her team. Colourful, mostly plant-based and seasonally delicious dishes are on the menu. You can visit the café, which boasts Rotterdam's most beautiful terrace, without buying a ticket for the institute.

Opening Hours

Tue - Wed 10am - 5pm
Thu 10am - 9pm
Fr - Sun 10am - 5pm

Closed on 27 April, 25 December, 1 January.
Please note: the Nieuwe Café will be closed on Saturday 1 March due to the preparations for Museumnacht010.

Open from 10am - 4pm on 24 December and 31 December.

Manuela Goncalves Tavares. Photo Jacqueline Fuijkschot

Manuela Goncalves Tavares is well known in Rotterdam for her restaurant Coco in the Hoogstraat as well as previous ventures such as Toko 94 and Toko Trash. She regards heart and soul as essential ingredients in the kitchen and sees the restaurant not as a constantly changing concept, but as building on tradition by adding something new. Her own creations are based on an approach that she defines as 'tokological' - based on the hidden treasures, flavours and cultures that you find in the different tokos (food shops and small eateries) in the city: a real Rotterdam mix of Afro-Caribbean, Asian and Mediterranean influences.

The menu of the Nieuwe Café features her colourful, often seasonal, vegetarian and vegan dishes, including, for example, a purple sweet potato soup with coconut milk, lime and plantain, and mushrooms with bok choy, coloured noodles and seaweed flakes.

Contact or 06-30435824 (phone/whats-app)

Nieuwe Café. Photo Jacqueline Fuijkschot

Catering and Groups

Nieuwe Café can accommodate large groups for lunch, drinks or dinner. It can arrange catering for events ranging from exhibition openings to programmes for organisations making use of the Nieuwe Instituut's facilities. More information about hiring the café and catering.


The greenery is provided by Frank Bruggeman and Hans Engelbregt. The bar was designed by Eric Roelen and the wall photography is by Johannes Schwartz.


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