Nieuwe Instituut
Nieuwe Instituut

Sonneveld House

Control Syntax Rio


Texts & films

A collection of essays, lectures and films about the Control Syntax Rio exhibition.

Mark Wasiuta on Control Syntax Rio

Essay James Bridle

The Life Fair. James Bridle. Photo Maurice van Es.

On the occasion of this year's Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, artist and writer James Bridle wrote the essay 'Sneakers and Snoopers', about security and surveillance during the Games.

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Pedro Rivera Lecture

Architectural design project Bela Maré by Rua Arquitetos. Photo Fabio Caffe

For Control Room Rio, held on the evening of Thursday, 10 June 2016, Mark Wasiuta (curator of the installation Control Syntax Rio) and Pedro Rivera (architect and member of Studio X Rio), drew a complex and fascinating image of the city of Rio de Janeiro as a matrix of different forces. Read the text of the lecture by Pedro Rivera.

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