BLUE: Architecture of UN Peacekeeping Missions
Overview of media attention for upcoming presentation BLUE: Architecture of Peacekeeping Missions at the 15th Venice Architecture Biennale, 28th May until 27th November 2016.
Dutch Press
- Parool, De metropool wordt overschat, July 2016
- NIW, Dipinto di blu, July 2016
- Archined, Architectuurbiënnale Venetië: ingebedde architecten, June 2016
- Trouw, Bouwen met modder, bamboe en afval, June 2016
- Parool, Vredesmissie heeft meer design nodig, May 2016
- Architectenweb, Nederland Biënnalepaviljoen officieel geopend, May 2016
- Volkskrant, Nederlands paviljoen Biënnale Venetië kleurt blauw van de camouflagenetten, May 2016
- FD, Goed ontwerp, May 2016
- Trouw, Nederlands Paviljoen in Venetië kleur blauw, May 2016
- Vrij Nederland, Deze architect wil letterlijk aan de vrede bouwen, May 2016
- NRC Handelsblad, De Smaak van ..., May 2016
- ArchitectuurNL, Opening BLUE op Architectuurbiënnale Venetië, May 2016
-, Hoogste militair opent Nederlands Paviljoen Venetië, May 2016
- Avrm, Hoogste militair opent Nederlands Paviljoen Venetië, May 2016
- Bouwformatie, Middendorp opent Nederlands paviljoen, May 2016
- ArchitectuurNL, BLUE: Architectuur van VN Vredesmissies, May 2016
- Archined, Defensie en Design, April 2016
- Parool, Malkit Shoshan curator Biënnale van Venetië, December 2015
-, Malkit Shoshan curator Architectuurbiënnale van Venetië, December, 2015
- Museumtijdschrift, Malkit Shoshan curator Nederlands Paviljoen tijdens architectuurbiënnale Venetië 2016, December 2015
- Architectenweb, Nederlands biënnalepaviljoen Venetië in teken van BLUE, December 2015
- NRC, Legerbasis niet alleen voor leger benutten, December 2015
- The Lancet, Designing homes to welcome refugees, September 2016
- Design Curial, Blueprint reviews architecture venice biennale, August 2016
- Mark Magazine, For Centuries Maps Have Been Used As Tools Of Control, July 2016
- Surface Magazine, Malkit Shoshan on the architecture of diplomacy, July 2016
- Times of Malta, The New Home, July 2016
- Enky, Poverty, Homelessness, and War, July 2016
- Il Sole 24 Ore, Biennale di architettura, l'Olanda e il futuro del peacekeeping, July 2016
- Colta, Мы понимаем, что такое архитектура, когда наша жизнь зависит от нее, June 2016
- The Photo Phore, Reporting from the biennale, Dutch Pavilion, June 2016
- Stylepark, a Patchwork of Alternatives, June 2016
- Contessanally, Venice - Giardini: The 15th International Architecture Biennale, June 2016
- The Architect's Newspaper, AN Lions: 20 must-see things at the 2016 Venice Biennale, June 2016
- Il Giornale dell'Architettura, Olanda: alla Biennale gli accampamenti dell'ONU, June 2016
- Inexhibit, BLUE: the Netherlands at the Venice Architecture Biennale 2016, June 2016
- Aida News, Olanda: L'Architettura delle Missioni di Pace dei Caschi Blu, June 2016
- Wallpaper Magazine, World tour: the 2016 Venice Architecture Biennale's national participations, June 2016
- ArchDaily, BLUE: Architecture of UN Peacekeeping Missions: Inside the Netherlands' Pavilion at the 2016 Venice Biennale, June 2016
- Architectmagazine, 2016 Venice Biennale: Dutch Pavilion, "BLUE: Architecture of UN Peacekeeping Missions", June 2016
- Artnet News, Karen Wong's Top 9 Picks from the Venice Architecture Biennale, June 2016
- The Guardian, Venice architecture biennale pavilions - a souped-up pre-school playground, May 2016
- WOW!, Il meglio della Biennale: i padiglioni selezionati da WOW!, May 2016
- Metropolis Magazine, Timely, Urban, and Contextual: The Venice Architecture Biennale's Most Thought-Provoking Pavilions, May 2016
- ArtDaily, Chief of Defence General Tom Middendorp opens Dutch Pavilion, May 2016
- Haaretz, בסיס לשינוי, May 2016
- Architectenkrant, Malkit Shoshan cureert Nederlands paviljoen in Venetië, May 2016
- Swiss Architects, Aldo und Hanny waren auch schon da, May 2016
- Architectural Record, Venice Architecture Biennale Dispatch, Day One, May 2016
- Urcities, 2016威尼斯建筑双年展:聚焦民生问题, May2016
- Art.China, 从仿生学到地缘政治:2016年威尼斯建筑双年展, May 2016
- EverythingAboutDesign, Dutch pavilion at venice biennale focuses on the architecture of UN peacekeeping missions, May 2016
- New York Times, Six-Not-to-Miss at the Venice Architecture Biennale 2016, May 2016
- Rinnovabili, Tra rifugiati e campi profughi, la Biennale cerca soluzioni resilienti, May 2016
- Bostoncommons, Opening Day for Venice Biennale, May 2016
- Designboom, Dutch Pavilion at Venice Biennale focuses on the architecture of UN peacekeeping missions, May 2016
- Architzer, Venice Biennale 2016: 4 Remarkable responses to humanitarian crises, May 2016
- Wallpaper Magazine, Our interactive guide to the top events at the 2016 Venice Architecture Biennale, May 2016
- Blouinartinfo, 6 key themes at the Venice Architecture Biennale 2016, May 2016
- Azure Magazine, A Preview of the Venice Architecture Biennale 2016, May 2016
- ArchDaily, Malkit Shoshan on How the City is a Shared Ground for the Instruments of War and Peace, May 2016
- Plataforma Arquitecture, Malkit Shoshan: 'La ciudad se convirtió en territorio compartido para la guerra y la paz', May 2016
- Metropolis Magazine, Q&A: Alejandro Aravena, April 2016
- Uncube Magazine, An interview with curator Malkit Shoshan, January 2016
- Artribune, Sarà Malkit Shoshan la curatrice del Padiglione Olandese alla Biennale di Architettura di Venezia, January 2016
- Baunetz, Niederländischer Biennale-Beitrag für Venedig, January 2016
- ArchDaily, Malkit Shoshan to Curate Dutch Pavilion at 2016 Venice Biennale, December 2015