Nieuwe Instituut
Nieuwe Instituut

Sonneveld House

ASEM international networking programme


What does it take to make a city buzzy, creative and entrepreneurial? How can creativity help to enhance older citizens' quality of life? And how can you breathe life back into derelict areas? Questions such as these will be addressed in a series of workshops for Asian and European creative experts organised by Het Nieuwe Instituut. The workshops, which will afford intensive networking opportunities, will take place alongside the sixth Asia-Europe Culture Ministers Meeting (ASEM), a summit for 50 culture ministers from the two continents taking place in Rotterdam from 19 through 21 October.

The workshops will provide 40 creative entrepreneurs with an opportunity to forge contacts and exchange knowledge and experiences. They will also assemble a list of recommended agenda items for ASEM based on real-life experience with issues they believe need government attention. The workshops are linked to the four subjects on the ASEM policy agenda: creative cities and quality of life, creative cities and sustainability, creative entrepreneurs, and creative skills.

The closed workshops will take place in Rotterdam, Amsterdam and Eindhoven and will be led by prominent local creative industry partners. In Rotterdam, Creative Factory founder Leo van Loon will lead a workshop on entrepreneurship and urban development. In Amsterdam, Liesbeth Jansen, quartermaster of the Marine Corps yard in the capital, will look at the importance of physical location for a thriving creative industry. Also in Amsterdam, in the workshop Playful Cities, games industry pioneer Jeroen van Mastrigt will address how smart technologies can help citydwellers. Finally, Tim Vermeulen, Het Nieuwe Instituut's officer in Eindhoven, will lead a workshop in that city on enhancing quality of life for ageing populations.

The networking programme will close with a plenary meeting at De Rotterdam, the striking OMA-designed building beside the Maas River in Rotterdam. Conclusions from the workshops will be presented to the ASEM culture ministers there on 21 October.

Het Nieuwe Instituut will host the networking meetings in conjunction with the sixth Asia-Europe Culture Ministers Meeting, whose topic of focus is the creative industry. ASEM participants address cultural issues with the goal of strengthening relations between Asia and Europe. Het Nieuwe Instituut is organising the networking events on behalf of the Netherlands Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.

Workshops ASEM networking programme

Cities: Entrepreneurship & Creative Crossovers (Leo van Loon / Rotterdam)
Creative Cities: Sustainability (Liesbeth Jansen / Amsterdam)
Creative Skills: Playful Cities (Jeroen van Mastrigt-Ide / Amsterdam)
Creative Cities: Quality of Life for an Ageing Population (Tim Vermeulen / Eindhoven)

NB Detailed reports about each workshop can be found on these pages.

Results of the workshops

Kick-off meeting networking programme, Pakhuis de Zwijger in Amsterdam, 18 October 2014


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