Nieuwe Instituut
Nieuwe Instituut

Sonneveld House

Nosagenda x Nieuwe Instituut

Celebrate Cabo Verde's 48th Independence Day against the backdrop of the Water Cities Rotterdam floating pavilions. With stories, music, workshops and food, join Cape Verdean culture and advice platform Nosagenda for a short journey to the archipelago where so many Rotterdammers have their roots.

5 July 2023 15:00 - 19:00

Photo: Grupo Cultural Lantuna

Nosagenda, meaning "our agenda," is a platform that inspires people to celebrate Cape Verdean culture. They offer a diverse range of activities, events, news, and artists from Cape Verde, including local cuisine, art, music, and more.

Find out more about the programma via the Instagram of Nosagenda.

RSVP (Free) | Location: Nieuwe Instituut | Language: Dutch


Image courtesy of Nosagenda.

Water Cities Public Programme

For the exhibition Water Cities Rotterdam. By Kunlé Adeyemi, Nieuwe Instituut organises an extensive public programme with activities linked to themes explored in the exhibition and on the floating pavilions in the ponds around the institute, from Sunday morning yoga to documentaries, and from talk shows to live radio.


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