Nieuwe Instituut
Nieuwe Instituut

Sonneveld House

Stress tests for the zoöp

In the fourth in a series of zoöp workshops, participants subject the zoöp model to a series of stress tests. The gathering builds on the outcomes of the first in the series, where the statutes of the foundation were laid out.

6 September 2019 10:00 - 17:00

Photo: Patricia de Ruijter,

Zoöp is a form or organisation for collaboration between humans and ecological communities of nonhumans. An overview of the concept can be found here. Over the course of the last couple of months the format has been developed at the Neuhaus temporary academy for more-than-human-knowledge. In this last research workshop it will be subjected to stress tests and extreme scenarios to see if it is ready to be deployed in the first pilot-zoöps in 2020.

Is it sufficiently flexible and light to be used by (very) different organisations? How does hold up to attempts at greenwashing? Is it sufficiently robust to contribute to ecological regeneration under different climatological and other circumstances?


Artists, designers, lawyers, philosophers, ecologists and others with experience in legal and or ecological questions are welcome to participate! Please mail a short motivation tok cc Participants will receive a short mail to prepare for the workshop.


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