Nieuwe Instituut
Nieuwe Instituut

Sonneveld House

Spatial Planning Today in Eindhoven

In the council chamber of Eindhoven City Hall, creators and makers from local, regional and national sectors gather to look at the opportunities and challenges of the leap in scale that the region is facing, and to discuss what this means for regionalisation, health and society. Professor Riek Bakker and Jeroen Dijsselbloem, Mayor of Eindhoven, will lead a discussion on spatial planning in the 21 municipalities of the Metropolitan region.

25 January 2024 18:30 - 20:00

Urban Development of Eindhoven, 1930. J.M. de Casseres. Archive of J.M. de Casseres. Collection Nieuwe Instituut.

Please note that this event is in Dutch.

Language: Dutch | Location: Nieuwe Instituut Online | RSVP (Free)


Spatial Planning Today

Housing shortages and our growing need for energy, data storage and food production are competing for priority, against a backdrop of an energy and nitrogen crisis, inequality and the climate challenge. With the meeting series Spatial Planning Today, we search with urban planner and urban developer Riek Bakker for a new, cohesive vision based on knowledge of the past and best practices of the present. Together with urban planners, architects, active citizens and administrators, we examine the key tasks and opportunities for cooperation in the spatial planning of the Netherlands.

Spatial Planning Today in Eindhoven is an initiative of Society of Arts and Nieuwe Instituut, organised in collaboration with Architectuurcentrum Eindhoven and Eindhoven Municipality.

The next edition will take place in Groningen.


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