Nieuwe Instituut
Nieuwe Instituut

Sonneveld House

Roundtable #3: Posting

Learning from second-wave feminist organisations, a collective and many-sided graphic signature could be developed by building our own infrastructures for the production and distribution of printed matter, such as feminist printing collectives, publishing houses or bookstores.

18 September 2022 11:00 - 13:00

Women printing the first [Women’s Weekly] at Drukkerij de Brandweervrouw, 1982, photo: Anne Vaillant, Source: Collection IAV-Atria

As in other professions, in the history of Dutch graphic design the absence of women, queer people and people of colour is striking. While efforts to correct this bias are made by revisiting archives and tracing forgotten bodies of work, feminist research also allows us to question the singular-author narrative altogether and suggests a re-narration of graphic design as a truly collaborative and transdisciplinary practice. Especially within (feminist) community-led and volunteer-based work, anyone can, and occasionally must, become the designer of 'communications' that announce their activities. Learning from second-wave feminist organisations, a collective and many-sided graphic signature could be developed by building our own infrastructures for the production and distribution of printed matter, such as feminist printing collectives, publishing houses or bookstores. With this roundtable, we hope to bring an intergenerational group of people together who can learn from each other's experiences of the aforementioned activities and to imagine how 'feminist posting' (also in the digital meaning of the verb) could look.

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