Nieuwe Instituut
Nieuwe Instituut

Sonneveld House

Platform of the Future: Interim Presentation

Participants of the design learning and research programme Platform of the Future: Each One Teach One present two episodes of their reality series of the same name. Eight 20-somethings from Rotterdam map the city’s culture and together design a future youth platform. They share their expectations, experiences and plans for the future.

9 June 2024 12:00 - 15:00

YoutDem at Nieuwe Instituut. Image courtesy of Stichting Take Notes.

Platform of the future

Ikram Amassio, KayDee Freeman, Kiara Freire Lima, Kerem Gunbulut, Naiima Hassan, Carmina Lacruz, Jason Mo and Justin Simmons – all aged between 22 and 27 – are developing a platform that will be of value to themselves and other young people. They are working together on the basis of design research into the formal and informal culture, needs and insights of local youth, and the added value they can bring to Rotterdam. The final platform may be a physical space, or a publication, an online project or a series of workshops.

Participants of Platform of the Future. Image courtesy of Stichting Take Notes.


  • Welcome and introduction
  • Premiere of the series Platform of the Future: Each One Teach One
  • Panel discussion with participants and team members
  • After Vibe: music, snacks and drinks

Take Notes

Platform of the Future is run by the Take Notes Foundation team, who provide participants with access to a diverse network in the city and support them with both formal and informal knowledge for their individual and community development.

After similar studies into the Square, the School and the Block Party of the Future, the Platform of the Future is the next edition of the youth programme developed as Youtdem by Concrete Blossom/The Niteshop. Within this format, young people research and design the future metropolitan ecosystems that are relevant, sustainable and valuable to them.

Language: Dutch | Location: Nieuwe Instituut | RSVP (Free)



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