Nieuwe Instituut
Nieuwe Instituut

Sonneveld House

Creative Cities: Sustainability

19 October 2014 00:00 - 21 October 2014 00:00

This workshop will analyse the physical sites of interaction that are needed to foster, facilitate and encourage the creative industries. Challenging examples from Europe and Asia will provide information on what constitutes fertile ground for the creative industries. How can these industries and their specific places be used to make cities more attractive, boost technological innovation, encourage talent and stimulate trade? How do culture and creativity contribute to the shift to a sustainable lifestyle? And what is the role of local, regional and national government?

Coordinator of the workshop is Liesbeth Jansen, director of Linkeroever ('Left Bank'), where she works as an independent consultant in the area of redevelopment and creative entrepeneurship. Since december 2013 Jansen is also director of the Bureau Marineterrein, to work on the transformation of this formerly closed military area in the centre of Amsterdam, during and after the departure of the Navy. From 1992 till 2010 she was involved in the development of the Westergasfabriek, at first as "temporary project leader", after 2000 as managing director. Liesbeth Jansen is one of the founding members of the Foundation Dutch Creative Residencies. She studied Dutch language and literature and Theater Sciences at the University of Amsterdam.

ASEM networking programme

The workshop comprises part of a networking programme hosted by Het Nieuwe Instituut in conjunction with the sixth Asia-Europe Culture Ministers Meeting (ASEM), a summit for 50 culture ministers from the two continents. The summit focuses on the creative industry and takes place in Rotterdam from 19 through 21 October, in parallel with the workshops.

The closed workshops will provide 40 creative entrepreneurs with an opportunity to forge contacts and exchange knowledge and experiences. They will also assemble a list of recommended agenda items for ASEM based on real-life experience with issues they believe need government attention. Read more

Other workshops in the programme:
Cities: Entrepreneurship & Creative Crossovers (Rotterdam)
Creative Skills: Playful Cities (Amsterdam)
Creative Cities: Quality of Life for an Ageing Population (Eindhoven)


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