COMPOS(T)ING: Regenerative Creative Practices
Willem de Kooning Academy and the Nieuwe Instituut present COMPOS(T)ING, a symposium on current trends in regenerative art and design. Makers present a wide range of creative practices, processes, proofs of concept, works in progress, developed artworks, products and services. Participants then discuss the work in moderated groups.
10 April 2025 07:00 - 15:00
This symposium responds to the urgent need to foster a regenerative culture and economy in which human and more-than-human life can flourish. The aim is to develop a collective understanding of the common characteristics of regenerative practice and how these can work across scales, locations and disciplines. What are the elephants in the room? Which relationships - in education, creative practices and broader systems - need to be broken, and which revitalised? Art and design practices, with their aesthetic, material, political and transformative qualities and sensibilities, have a vital contribution to make here.
Discussions will focus on three interwoven themes: 1. Creative Practices; 2. Regenerative Economies/Human-Inclusive Ecosystems; and 3. Education/Didactics.
More information about the programme will follow soon.
COMPOS(T)ING is an interdisciplinary collaboration, co-curated by educators and researchers from Willem de Kooning Academy, HKU University of the Arts Utrecht, HvA Academy of Theatre and Dance, CARADT (Centre of Applied Research for Art, Design and Technology) Avans and the Nieuwe Instituut.