Nieuwe Instituut
Nieuwe Instituut

Sonneveld House

Akarani Bono Awowa?

The One Minutes Series for September-October is curated by Manuwi C Tokai on the occasion of the exhibition 'Temporary House of Home' at Het Nieuwe Instituut. The selected videos are a response to the question Manuwi poses: Akarani bono awowa? (Where is your home?).

2 September 2021 20:00 - 21:00

The One Minutes Series ‘Akarani Bono Awowa’. Curated by Manuwi C Tokai.

Akarani bono awowa? (Where is the place where you see the sun rise and set?) is the Kali'na way of asking: Where are you from? Where is your home? Manuwi C Tokai invited everyone to submit a one-minute video in response to this question, and gave an online masterclass helping people to create films.

The 20 selected videos contain intimate scenes of communities around the globe. Many of them bravely take on various challenges to secure their homes from invasions. Some scenes allow us to be enchanted by the mystical movement of nature. The videos were sent in from Argentina, Brazil, Germany, Laos, Lebanon, The Netherlands, Russia, Suriname, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom and United States.

On our social feeds we jump from happy dogs to war scenes. Both of them can refer to somebody's home. What makes your home? How responsible do you feel to secure other people's homes? Do we still understand the writings and whispers of our environment or are there languages we need to relearn? You are invited to take it all in. Both true vision and sound or just sound or vision, whatever your body allows you to experience. Take this time and space to revisit memories of house and home and take a journey to a future of what home could be.

"All the places where the sun shines is our home."

What if we could really feel that every day? Would you live the same way? Would your routines be the same? Would you showcase the same in your social account timelines and feeds?


Julia van Mourik (director of The One Minutes Foundation) will introduce the programme, we will have a short presentation on the people loosing their homes in Afghanistan, Manuwi C Tokai will perform and the participating artists will be (virtually) present in a Q&A. Open discussion with the public is encouraged. Register for the event.

Participating artists

Snow Sheng Jie, Inge Pierre, Lin Li, Boaz Mout, Linda Phommavang, Furgil Mattatoula, Shareen Mahabeer, Barbara Marcel, Tucan Weyu, Elif Satanaya Özbay, Éluk, Marina Fomenko, Andrea Bordoli, Lara Baksu, Rafael Railaf, Felix Klee, Nicolás Dumit Estévez Raful Espejo, Anna Recasens and Laia Solé, Matteo Rosa, Dario Ricciardi, Guilliano Zaalman.

Akarani Bono Awowa? is a collaboration between The One Minutes and Het Nieuwe Instituut and is made possible by Amsterdam Fund for the Arts, BNG Cultuurfonds and Mondriaan Fund.

Untitled (We do the voodoo), 2015, Brazil. Barbara Marcel. Video still. Courtesy of The One Minutes Foundation.

Manuwi C Tokai

Manuwi C Tokai (Akarani, Suriname, 1989) is a singer, artist and human rights activist. She investigates the contemporary relevance of Indigenous knowledge and traditions and the importance of Indigenous peoples taking ownership of their own stories and histories. Singing is a form of action. Together with her aunts, she stands up for the original culture of the Ka'lina Terewuyu people from the Amazon and for the stories of others that are not heard.

The One Minutes Foundation

The One Minutes Foundation produces and distributes one-minute videos from an artistic point of view, offering an international stage for people to create, engage and connect. The One Minutes is active at the forefront of international contemporary art, as well as in education and welfare. And has exhibited amongst others at Power Station of Art (CN), National Gallery of Iceland in Reykjavík (IS) and Whitney Museum of American Art in New York (USA). Every two months, The One Minutes Foundation puts out a new series of 60-second films that investigate how we perceive and engage with moving image. Send in your videos and participate in upcoming projects.


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