Nieuwe Instituut
Nieuwe Instituut

Sonneveld House


15 January 2015 - 5 April 2015


Material night: Plastic Ethic

During Material Night: Plastic Ethic, on 12/03/15, researchers and designers gathered to discuss design processes related to plastic. How do designers use this material to make objects that matter? What is their position in the growing industry of 3D printing?

Photo: Extrapolations & Anachronisms, Bas van Beek, Galerie Vivid, 2014

The evening kicked off with a philosophical keynote lecture from Rick Dolphijn (author of New Materialism: Interviews & Cartographies). About the ethical consequences of New Materialism, a mindset that focuses on material and thus questions our anthropocentric view of the world. This was followed by a discussion between designers, experts and the public about working with plastic and 3D printing, and about design processes, aesthetic choices and ethical implications.

Designer Bas van Beek explained his form research 'Extrapolations & Anachronisms'. Designer Lucas Maassen talked about his work D-Struct, in which he explores the fine line between physical and virtual reality. The evening was moderated by designer and researcher Sophie Krier.

'Plastic Ethic' - PLASTIC: Promises of a Home-Made Future, 12/03/2015


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