Nieuwe Instituut
Nieuwe Instituut

Sonneveld House

Long may we live!


Home for parents, daughter and grandmother (1948) Cora Nicolaï-Chaillet

C. Nicolai-Chaillet, Home for parents, daughter and grandmother for the ‘Good Living’ exhibition, Hengelo, 1948. Collection: Het Nieuwe Instituut, CORA t5-1

Model home for the elderly

The extreme housing shortage in the Netherlands following the war also affected the elderly. Interior architect Cora Nicolaï-Chaillet gave advice on furnishing the home via Stichting Goed Wonen (the Good Living Foundation). These drawings show her design for a family dwelling incorporating a bedsit for an elderly family member. In the immediate post-war years, intergenerational accommodation was a means of solving the housing crisis. Today this model is re-emerging in the 'kangaroo residence', which combines independent living with informal care.


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