Long may we live!
De Rusthoeve (1936) W. Bruin
Green prospect
The retirement homes designed in the 1930s were not all restricted to people of a particular faith. There were also homes that were open to people of different religions. In 1936 Wieger Bruin designed 'De Rusthoeve' in Purmerend for Protestant pensioners with varying economic resources.
'De Rusthoeve' exudes sobriety. Rich and poor coexist here, although the rooms for the poorer residents are considerably smaller than those for the wealthier patrons. There is no such distinction in the orientation of the rooms, all of which have a view of greenery and have a favourable orientation in relation to the sun. The beautiful view and optimal sunlight were intended to make the residents feel younger and happier. A sense of freedom was the starting point for the design of this home.