Nieuwe Instituut
Nieuwe Instituut

Sonneveld House


18 May 2019 - 14 September 2019


Z33/Studio Time: Learning from Deep Time

What can we learn if we approach complex questions on the basis of an awareness of more-than-human timescales? How can we learn to organise our learning in relation to a geological, or even cosmic, time frame?

Neuhaus. Time

Learning from Deep Time is a presentation in which a number of artists tackle more-than-human timescales and the influence of these on thinking about the production and acquisition of knowledge.

If thinkers and makers wish to orientate towards such timescales, they will have to work in interdisciplinary, cross-disciplinary and transdisciplinary ways. Within the context of a longer-term research process dealing with themes such as deep time and the Anthropocene, Belgian arts centre Z33 is focusing in particular, in cooperation with the international Nuclear Culture network, on 'nuclear time.' The presence, caused by humans, of radioactivity in the ground and in the atmosphere will persist for so long this far exceeds the human experience of time. For Z33's Studio Time, artists Jon Stam, Andy Weir and Alexis Destoop are depicting possible exchange processes that could arise as a result of a collision of human and non-human timescales.


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