Nieuwe Instituut
Nieuwe Instituut

Sonneveld House


18 May 2019 - 14 September 2019


Premium Connect

We could potentially see the same world differently through another format.

Tabita Rezaire, Premium Connect. Screenshot.

The video work Premium Connect presents an image of information technology from the perspective of African knowledge and culture. The information super highway might as well have its origins in African spirituality. Research shows that binary mathematics - the basic principle of computer science - can be traced back to African forms of intellectual culture such as Ifa of the Yoruba people in West Africa. Modern science recently discovered that plants communicate underground through fungi. Ancient traditions have long been able to read nature and download its knowledge. These are forms of connectivity that can be used to restore the relationship between spirit-organism-matter. In this way, a de-colonial cybernetic space can be created that connects organic, technological and spiritual worlds.


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