Nieuwe Instituut
Nieuwe Instituut

Sonneveld House


18 May 2019 - 14 September 2019



How could we re-imagine the world when entering into an exchange with the unknown?

Neuhaus. Neulab

_Neulab _is an educational space or 'making space' where Neuhäusler of all ages can make, work with and investigate more-than-human knowledge.

In the Neulab, young artists and designers can themselves carry out research and develop projects around more-than-human knowledge. In addition, they can welcome other Neuhäusler, and involve them in their creative process. Topics for research could include: how can we work together with algae? Can we learn to speak chemical languages? How can virtual reality lead to greater empathy? The aim is to learn to see and design the world anew using cross-disciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary tools and instruments.

World Wilder Lab, Plandscapes

Plants, like people, experience all kinds of things. They are aware of their surroundings and react to light, smell and touch. Plants can also communicate with other plants, for example, by creating chemical defenses when plant eaters come near. Can people understand this plant language?

The houseplant in this installation is connected to three sensors that measure what the plant feels and notices. The sensors transmit the plant's experiences to a robot arm, which makes a drawing of it: an image of the adventures of a plant.

NeuLab Table

Objects are becoming 'smarter' all the time. More often than not these days, our watches, refrigerators and cameras are equipped with chips and connected to the Internet. This is called the Internet of Things. These objects and devices can communicate via the Internet with us and with other things. Already, more things are online, than the number of people on earth. Everyday things live an online life where humans have less and less influence.

How do we deal with this? What relationships do you have with the things around you? Examine the everyday objects on the table and help them to create an online profile. The results are stored in an online database.

Willem de Kooning Academy in collaboration with Arthur Boer, Boris Smeenk, Rawshaping and RNUL.

Momentary Zine, Bucharest, Hackers & Designers, November 2018.

Hackers & Designers, Momentary Zine

"Hey Siri" or "OK Google", many people are in daily conversation with smart technology to ask what the weather will be or to set an alarm. Could technology that recognizes speech also create something together with you?

How does it work? Say something and it will be printed! The Momentary Zine looks for images that match the words you say. The result: a publication! Who is the author of this end result? You, who sspeaks the words, the designers of this installation or the publishing machine, which uses algorithms to find images and guides the design? Or do you work very well together?

_Neulab _is realised by Het Nieuwe Instituut's Education Department in collaboration with the Willem de Kooning Academy.

Tutors: Arthur Boer & Boris Smeenk, Hackers & Designers, Rawshaping, RNUL Interactive, World Wilder Lab, Willem de Kooning Academy, Het Nieuwe Instituut.


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