Nieuwe Instituut
Nieuwe Instituut

Sonneveld House


18 May 2019 - 14 September 2019


Multispecies Urbanism*

Photo: Dora Lionstone

Due to the ecological destruction of the countryside, biodiversity in cities is now often much greater than in rural environments. As evolutionary 'hotspots', species in urban environments have to adapt rapidly to new conditions. Moreover, encounters with ever-new species leads to the emergence of changing food chains. So far, this diversity is hardly reflected in current design practice, and cities have been developed almost exclusively as human habitats.

The Multispecies Urbanism learning trail concentrates on inclusive forms of urban development, which takes the needs of all the species that inhabit a city into consideration.

*) The name of this trail is based on a term first coined by Debra Solomon.

Thinking with Tongues


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