Dressed by Architects

Camiel Fortgens

The project As Is by Camiel Fortgens is a sequel to his earlier project Paper Clothes. Fortgens does not regard his designs as fashion, but rather as a means to investigate how we relates to our clothing. How do we express our identity through fashion and what influence does the (fashion) Zeitgeist have on society?

Paper clothes. Camiel Fortgens - As Is. Photo Anna de Jong

His contribution to Dressed by Architects consists of three silhouettes, in which Camiel Fortgens tries to capture the Zeitgeist. Starting from a series of images made for the Temporary Fashion Museum or coming from his archive, he investigates the relation between wearer and clothing within an architectural environment. This way, he looked for a representation of the current Zeitgeist. Just like the human figures in the architectural drawings from the archives capture the mind-set of their time. The persons in these images were the inspiration for the silhouettes, which are stripped of every colour or pattern. In As Is, Camiel Fortgens presents three outfits that capture and express the current Zeitgeist, using only plane and line. The silhouettes are put in context by means of the photography.


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