Nieuwe Instituut
Nieuwe Instituut

Sonneveld House

Designing the Surface

26 January 2017 - 19 July 2017


Chris Kabel for Interwoven

Photo Casper Sejersen

After a few lively conversations on the benefits of wafer-thin stones, why dragonflies love cemeteries and retro-reflective reindeer antlers, Interwoven's editor in chief Anniina Koivu invited product designer Chris Kabel to write a series of articles on his wide-ranging collection of personal encounters with the finish and its applications, a subject Kabel investigated for his fellowship at Het Nieuwe Instituut in Rotterdam.

The resulting five articles were originally published on the website of Interwoven: the fabric of things, and were printed out in a limited edition for the Thursday Night Live! event at Het Nieuwe Instituut on 23 March 2017, entitlted Design Dialogues: Designing the Surface. This publication was designed by OK-RM, illustrated with photographs by Casper Serjersen, and is kindly supported by Interwoven.

Article Lightness

Article Steam

Article Shine

Article Matt


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