Workshop: The future of the Expo Model 1 (invitation only)
The 7th May 2015 was the kick-off of a workshop series organised by Het Nieuwe Instituut on the future of the World Fair model, in which students from a variety of art and design academies from across the Netherlands will participate.
7 May 2015 15:00 - 18:00
Design questions
Programme 7 May
15.00 - Welcome
15.30 - Introduction by Klaas Kuitenbrouwer
15.45 - Kick-off workshop by Michiel van Iersel
15.55 - Introduction Rotterdam2025 by Bart Schrijnen
16.15 - Q&A
16.30 - Visit exhibitions with Klaas Kuitenbrouwer
17.15 - Introduction of participants, 1 minute per participant
17.45 - Follow-up steps, explained by Michiel van Iersel and Julia van der Meer
18.00 - Formation of teams, drinks.
Further reading
Workshop: The Future of the Expo Model will present some background information and the outcome of the workshop
What is the Netherlands