Nieuwe Instituut
Nieuwe Instituut

Sonneveld House

Sunday Stroll with Laura

Join us on Sunday 7 November at 2pm for a free Sunday Stroll through Sonneveld House. Detour guide Laura Grimm will guide us through the museum house from her perspective as an artist.

7 November 2021 14:00 - 15:00

Detour Guide Laura Grimm. Photo: Marwan Magroun.

Sonneveld House (Huis Sonneveld) is one of the best-preserved houses in the Dutch functionalist style. The villa was designed in 1933 by architecture firm Brinkman and Van der Vlugt for Albertus Sonneveld, a director of the Van Nelle Factory, and his family. The architects created a total concept in which architecture, interior and furnishings are perfectly coordinated and reinforce one another. Light and spacious, the house features numerous balconies and large windows that offer views of the surrounding garden. Almost all the furniture and lamps in the house were made by the Gispen factory, some of them specially for the Sonnevelds. This customisation reveals the family's appreciation of luxury and comfort. Sonneveld House is therefore not a dogmatic example of functionalism, but a personal environment.

"A detour is more than looking, listening and reading. It is a moment wherein I can connect people to something or someone, teaching them to see more and gain more insight together."

A "self-organising artist" is how detour guide Laura Grimm describes herself. She likes creating sculptures and working with textiles. Her studio, the autumn and changing into her pyjamas after getting home are a few of her favourite things.

Sonneveld House, rear facade. Photo Johannes Schwartz.


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