Nieuwe Instituut
Nieuwe Instituut

Sonneveld House

Stimuleringsfonds Presents Talent x Nieuwe Instituut

The Creative Industries Fund NL (Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie) and the Nieuwe Instituut present an introductory day for and by young design talents. Attend lectures, take part in discussions on various themes, watch films, read publications and get to know the new designers, creators and architects behind the work. The event is hosted by programme maker Isabel Sheridan and Good Times Bad Times Radio.

10 February 2024 09:00 - 16:00

Gathering Talent Development in the Nieuwe Instituut with fifty upcoming designers, creators and architects. Photo: Mark Bolk.

Fifty emerging designers, creators and architects from the Talent Development Grant Scheme of the Creative Industries Fund NL introduced themselves during the previous Dutch Design Week in 2023 with installations, objects, talks, performances and workshops. During Stimuleringsfonds Presents Talent x Nieuwe Instituut, they will focus more on knowledge exchange. They will share insights from the past year and discuss three central themes: sustainable design of the future; research within design practice; and change through collaboration and connection.

The central themes resonate with the diverse research narratives and tasks of the Nieuwe Instituut. As the national museum and institute for architecture, design and digital culture, the Nieuwe Instituut serves designers in and between these design fields. Employees of the Nieuwe Instituut will be present during this day to give information about the task of the institute in support of designers. Representatives of other organisations will also be present.

This event is a collaboration between Creative Industries Fund NL and Nieuwe Instituut.


You can visit the event Stimuleringsfonds Presents Talent x Nieuwe Instituut on 10 February, between 10.30 and 17.00 hr. The doors of the Nieuwe Instituut will open at 10.00 hr.

In the Auditorium three programme elements that are curated by moderator Isabel Sheridan will take place. In a conversation about the theme 'sustainable design of the future', designers Estelle Barriol, Sunjoo Lee and Mario Gonsalves talk about the role of the makers when it comes to tackling ecological and social issues. In the panel conversation 'change through collaboration and connection' Hedwig van der Linden and Kevin Westerveld talk about collaborations. What is the value of involving others with your project? How do you start off an effective collaboration and how can you protect your role in it? And during 'meet the maker' you get to know Kalkidan Hoex, Elizaveta Federmesser and Colin Wegman. In one-on-one interviews Sheridan talks with these makers about their research, the results and the developments that they have been through.

After the conversations in the Auditorium, three roundtable sessions take place on the Deck. Different organisations and designers gather here to exchange information about what designers and their practices need now and in the future. Participating organisations, aside from the Nieuwe Instituut and Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie are: Dutch Design Foundation and Cultuur+Ondernemen.

Throughout the entire day the creators of Good Times Bad Times provide a live radio programme from Room 1. The hosts talk to thirteen talents about the challenges and successes of setting up and developing a design practice. How do you start a sustainable practice and how do you relate to collaborations or different disciplines? Join the conversations in Room 1 or listen online via Guests: Maren Bang, Taya Reshetnik, Elif Özbay, Anni Nöps, Constanza Castagnet, Pim Boreel, Siddharth Pathak, Stephanie Ete, Hattie Wade, Benjamin Earl, Tymon Hogenelst, Javier Rodriguez and Deborah Morah.

In Gallery -1, video works by Nohaila Gamah, Noëlle Ingeveldt, Timaeus, Steef Offerhaus and Malik Saïb-Mezghiche will be on display throughout the day.

A timetable will follow soon.

Language: Dutch/English | Location: Nieuwe Instituut | RSVP (Free)


Talent Development Grant Scheme of Creative Industries Fund NL

Each year upcoming, aspiring or novice design talents get the opportunity through the Talent Development Grant Scheme of the Creative Industries Fund NL to develop themselves artistically or professionally. The talent development grant offers creators the opportunity to lay a good foundation, gives them space for further development, and gives them the opportunity to research the important themes in their work. They can also invest in sustainable relationships, within their field, the creative industry or outside of it.

Agency of the Nieuwe Instituut

The department Agency of the Nieuwe Instituut connects design fields with questions from the outside world, both regional and international. At Agency, exchange and development of knowledge, international collaboration and the expansion of networks are the primary focus. Dutch designers are presented on various international stages, introduced to international curators, designers, and researchers, and collaborate on crossovers to facilitate the exchange of knowledge. In addition, the Nieuwe Instituut collaborates with local authorities and organisations on specific social issues in which a cultural interpretation can offer new perspectives.


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