Nieuwe Instituut
Nieuwe Instituut

Sonneveld House


In collaboration with Het Nieuwe Instituut, Shay Kreuger presents the talk show STATEMENTS, a lively discussion about local and (inter)national issues in design, art, culture, politics, entertainment and society. In the second edition, Shay talks with her guests about Black representation in Disney films, the deconstruction of riots, and designing your own death.

25 February 2021 20:00 - 21:00


Shay is joined by Saskia van Stein (curator of the forthcoming Disney exhibition at Het Nieuwe Instituut and head of The Critical Inquiry Lab MA at Design Academy Eindhoven) and Robert-Jonathan Koeyers (animator and filmmaker) to talk about the representation of Black bodies in Disney films. Gaard Kets (historian and political theorist) and Roberto Lima (youth worker at Thuis op Straat) deconstruct the rioting that occurred after the implementation of the national curfew in the Netherlands. Finally, Claudia Crobatia (_deathfluence_r and creator of the death awareness platform A Course in Dying) and Gène Bertrand (co-curator of Re(Designing) Death and responsible for programme and development at Museumplein Limburg) discuss designing your own death. With a special performance by poet Gershwin Bonevacia.

Graphic design: Luca Napoli.

STATEMENTS<p>At a time when it&rsquo;s easy to stumble on unfounded opinions, and when changing your viewpoint can be hard, STATEMENTS offers a space for new insights and stimulating ideas. Together with Het Nieuwe Instituut,&nbsp;Shay Kreuger ensures that discussions transform into open conversations and prejudices give way to curiosity. With a wide range of guests and public participation, this programme aims to put current issues under the magnifying glass. Just don&rsquo;t expect to be able to sit back and do nothing, because&nbsp;STATEMENTS is all about interaction. There&rsquo;s room for everyone who would like to share their opinion, so make sure you join the conversation and take a seat at the (digital) table.</p>Shay Kreuger<p>Shayveca Kreuger, better known as Shay, is an all-round host, interviewer and media maker working in radio, television and theatre. She has worked at FunX (Fresh&rsquo;n Up, later Morad &amp; Shay), is known for her television documentary Letters from Poncho&nbsp;(Brieven van Poncho), and is responsible for part of the programming of&nbsp;<a data-auth="NotApplicable" href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">For The Record</a>&nbsp;at Het Nieuwe Instituut. She also works at Hogeschool Rotterdam as a study career coach and part-time teacher of business development. Since 2017, she has had her own show:&nbsp;SHAY! on NPO Radio 2.</p>&nbsp;


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