Opening new rooms: RoXY and the Eco-Cathedral
On 24 February 2022, Het Nieuwe Instituut and contributors, visitors, housemates, neighbours, gardeners, and dance buddies celebrate 'Designing the Social''s two new rooms - two new installations about the Roxy nightclub and eco-cathedrals.
24 February 2022 19:00 - 21:00
The new rooms display more unique forms of living together and social thinking as part of our continuing quest to explore "designing the social". This time, we look at how society and design relate to each other from two very different perspectives: that of nightlife and people at play, and that of the 'ecotect' who stimulates human creativity by designing in partnership with natural processes.
Opening programme
19:00-19:30 Welcome moment with drinks and snacks at the Deck
19:30-21:00 Opening rooms in gallery 1
21:00 Galleries close, but you can order drinks at the bar in Het Nieuwe Café
RoXY - Nightclub as Cultural Crowbar
In this room, club culture is central as a continuation of the type of social design seen in Constant Nieuwenhuis's New Babylon, Provo, and the squatters' movement. In the 1980s, Roxy founder Peter Giele and others pioneered an infectious mixture of music, dance, eroticism, theatre and design in line with the city's earlier traditions as a testing ground for creativity and with claims to living and working space. (Concept and research: Juha van 't Zelfde | Spatial design: Miroslav Rajic | Video and lighting design: Karl Klomp)
Read more about _The RoXY - Nightclub as Cultural Crowbar_
The Eco-Cathedral: Louis Le Roy, wild garden idealogist
This room adds a more-than-human component to the exploration of how designers have shaped alternative forms of living together. Self-proclaimed 'ecotect' Louis Le Roy anticipated current ecological thinking with his plea for organic gardens and landscape architecture. The eco-cathedral, a concept he developed in the 1960s, is an unsurpassed collaboration of people, animals and plants. (Concept, research, design and video: Minji Choi | Concept, research and texts: Joost Emmerik | Art direction: Frank Bruggeman | Advice on collection material: Suzanne Mulder)
read more about _The Eco-Cathedraal - Louis Le Roy, Wild Garden Idealogist_
Designing the social
The semi-permanent exhibition _Designing the Social _documents the versatile and sometimes radical interaction between design and society over the past century. Long before the concept of 'social design' took hold, it was not only professionals, but often also committed citizens and activists, who devised design strategies to bring about social change. Based on research and interpretations by different researchers, curators and designers, the installation takes visitors through a series of striking scenes from social history.
The question is always: how has design contributed to new worldviews, ways of living, working and communication, and to a society in which we all have the means to shape our own ideas about the social?
Read more about _Designing the Social_.