FamilieFest: More Than Just Party Animals
Start off your May holiday with FamilieFest: More Than Just Party Animals! Explore with the entire family what it is like to be more-than-human through surprising activities and workshops.
23 April 2022 11:00 - 17:00
Animal Samba
with KlankenKaravaan
Through the use of 'tropical animal rhythms' you learn the principles of samba music. When all these 'animal rhythms' are put together, it will form into a song and then it will be difficult to stand still!
Crawl Into the Skin
with Erik Peters and Jip Nannes
In this scavenger hunt through Het Nieuwe Instituut and De Nieuwe Tuin (The New Garden) you crawl into the skin of different beings in order to find clues hidden in and around the museum. Can you move as low as an ant? Or jump as high as a frog? Find out during this crazy scavenger hunt.
More Than Just Animal Architect
with Pia Canales and Esmée Dros
Build a home for a small animal. Is it for a beetle? Or a worm? How big should it be? What shapes and functions does it need to have? During this workshop you become the architect and you design a home for an animal or organism.
Primal Paint
with Laura Grimm
During this workshop you make your own paint out of natural materials gathered from our surroundings. You will learn the difference between the use of harmless materials (natural paint) and harmful materials. After a quick introduction you get to mix your own paint and create a rock painting for the future.
And much more!