Nieuwe Instituut
Nieuwe Instituut

Sonneveld House

Launch of the Network Archives Design and Digital Culture (NADD)

On 17 December 2020, the Network Archives Design and Digitical Culture was officially launched with an online programme, see the video below (in Dutch).

17 December 2020 17:00 - 18:00

Network Archives Design and Digital Culture

Design is all around us. Designers and players in digital culture have made a major contribution to our experiences of beauty, convenience, criticism and well-being, as well as to identifying and solving social issues. Therefore, in these rapidly changing times, it is essential to be able to look backwards, as well as forwards, at what has been previously conceived, critiqued and designed.

The Network Archives Design and Digital Culture is a partnership aimed at Dutch design heritage.

The network makes the relationship between design and social renewal visible, and sets out to demonstrate that the archiving and development of design and digital cultural heritage is of vital importance to society.

An online programme on 17 December 2020 marks the official launch of the network. More information about the programme will follow shortly.


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