Nieuwe Instituut
Nieuwe Instituut

Sonneveld House

Interaction environments and space for innovation

9 May 2019 19:00 - 21:00

Audio research at Philips NatLab in Waalre. Photo Ed van der Elsken / Philips Company Archives

Are existing interaction environments inclusive and diverse enough? Are innovation hubs open platforms of knowledge exchange or the gatekeepers of intellectual property? Which spatial ecosystems link knowledge production to other economic sectors such as agriculture, manufacture and logistics?

Speakers are Maurits de Hoog, Direction Planning and Sustainability municipality of Amsterdam (Designing quality interaction environments: the genealogy of clusters) and Robbert de Mug, Strategic Advisor municipality of Eindhoven (Brainport City: the development of Eindhoven as Knowledge-City)

Architecture of Labour

This lecture is part of 'Architecture of Labour', runs between March and December 2019, and is organised by Deltametropolis Association. The programme is part of the Guest Programme of Thursday Night Live!


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